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Вигабатрин порошок для перорального раствора

Инструкция к раствору Вигабатрин для перорального применения Вигабатрин – противоэпилептический препарат со следующими эффектами: 1. Инфантильный спазм – редкий эпилептический синдром, который обычно возникает в младенчестве. В качестве препарата первой линии вигабатрин может эффективно контролировать такие судорожные приступы; 2. Для пациентов, у которых другие противоэпилептические препараты неэффективны или непереносимы, эффективным вариантом лечения может быть вигабатрин; этот препарат используется клинически. Он хорошо показал себя в исследовании, продемонстрировав значительную эффективность и высокую безопасность, что значительно улучшило качество жизни пациента.

Вигабатрин, прорывной препарат в лечении эпилепсии, стал одним из ключевых препаратов в лечении инфантильных спазмов и фокальной эпилепсии благодаря своим уникальным фармакологическим эффектам и клинической эффективности. Эта статья познакомит вас с соответствующими знаниями о пероральном растворе вигабатрина, которые помогут вам лучше понять и использовать этот препарат для лечения эпилепсии.

1. Indications and mechanism of action of drugs

1.1 Indications

Vigabatrin oral solution is mainly used to treat infantile spasms and may also be used to treat focal epilepsy. Infantile spasms are a severe type of epilepsy that mostly occurs in infancy and clinically manifests as spontaneous, intense muscle spasms, often accompanied by disturbance of consciousness and epileptic seizures. Focal epilepsy is a type of epilepsy that starts in a specific area of ​​the brain and has a variety of symptoms.

1.2 Mechanism of action

Vigabatrin exerts its anti-epileptic effects by increasing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentrations in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that can inhibit the excitability of neurons and regulate the transmission of signals between neurons. Vigabatrin can inhibit acidic cysteine ​​aminotransferase with GABA transaminase activity, thereby increasing the concentration of GABA in the brain, enhancing neuroinhibitory effects, and reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures.

2. Usage and dosage

2.1 How to use

Please use vigabatrin oral solution correctly under the guidance of your doctor. This product is an oral preparation that can be drank directly or taken with appropriate amounts of food. The daily dose may be divided into divided doses to improve the tolerability and efficacy of the drug.

2.2 Dosage

Specific doses should be adjusted based on the patient’s age, weight, condition, and individual response. It is generally recommended that the starting dose is 10-15 mg/kg of Vigabatrin per day, gradually increasing to the target dose of 40-60 mg/kg per day. Dosage adjustments should be made under the supervision of a physician and based on the condition and adverse reactions.

3. Precautions and contraindications

3.1 Precautions

During the use of vigabatrin oral solution, please pay close attention to the patient’s condition changes and adverse reactions. If adverse reactions such as drug allergy, abnormal liver function, or hematological abnormalities occur, please stop taking the drug immediately and seek medical treatment.

3.2 Contraindications

This drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women and patients allergic to vigabatrin. In addition, if the patient has liver dysfunction, retinopathy, mental illness, etc., it should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

4. Adverse reactions and drug interactions

4.1 Adverse reactions

Possible adverse reactions during use of vigabatrin oral solution include dizziness, drowsiness, paresthesia, behavioral changes, gastrointestinal discomfort, rash, etc. Please report any adverse reactions to your doctor promptly so that adjustments and treatment can be made.

4.2 Drug interactions

Tell your doctor about other drugs you are taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and supplements. Certain drugs may interact with vigabatrin, affecting the drug’s effectiveness or increasing the risk of adverse reactions.

Vigabatrin oral solution (Vigabatrin) is an important drug in the treatment of infantile spasms and focal epilepsy. It reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures by regulating the concentration of GABA in the brain. When using this drug, you need to follow your doctor’s instructions and pay attention to the dosage and method of administration. Closely observe the patient’s condition changes and adverse reactions, and seek medical treatment promptly. Also, be aware of other drug interactions and contraindications to ensure safe and effective use of vigabatrin oral solution to treat epilepsy.

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Вигабатрин порошок для перорального раствора
Вигабатрин порошок для перорального раствора

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